A nonprofit organization dedicated to funding positive TV!

We hear you! 

The norm of media highlights the negative, the harmful and the divided.  Voice of Goodness exists to fund positive storytelling through television and other sources so the world can see people doing goodness, spreading love, and inspiring us all – to love your neighbor as yourself.

As the difficulties of sponsorships in television increases, we don’t want our show and other positive TV shows to go away.

That is why we started this nonprofit, Voice of Goodness, to help fund those stories of goodness. Your donation goes to directly towards the production costs of media shows such as radio, television and podcasts that focus on positive messaging. 

Help us keep Goodness on the Air!

Here’s what you are doing when you
become a Voice of Goodness

You are helping us….


Share a much needed positive message about our country and quiet the voices of negativity


Magnify the family values that are drifting away with our culture.


Inspire viewers to become doers of goodness in their own communities and towns.

Through ….

Family Friendly Stories

We believe everyone deserves to view stories of goodness that inspire us all to be the best version of ourselves!


Positive Messaging

Television programs that stand for positivity and family values are struggling with declining dollars and fewer companies that will sponsor family friendly programming.

Redeeming Values

So much of television programming today is negative, violent, divisive and lacks redeeming messages and doesn’t allow us to see the goodness in others.

Please join us by sending a gift today.